Mark & RenÉe Grantham

Write. Speak. Adventure.


A motivational speaker, Mark became a C5 quadriplegic in a lifeguarding accident when he was 24. As an avid outdoorsman (before and since his paralysis) Mark innovates to remain engaged with nature in his beloved Ozarks: on trails, in hunting stands, and on the water with a fishing pole. Renée is a writer, minister, and theology professor who believes in a theology of tension—where truth is found by holding the opposites that make up our existence: humanity and divinity, ability and disability, decrease and renewal. She grew up in Montana and lived in Missouri and Eastern Europe before God brought her back to the Ozarks where she fell in love with Mark. Her writings have appeared in several publications, and her latest passion is the intersection of theology and disability. Together, they write, speak, and adventure (more on that in the next section.)

Welcome to the space where tension is okay. Where truth exists in paradoxes, and where we navigate its turns together. Welcome to writing that gives your heart a home. Come walking, come standing, come sitting, come broken—and let’s inhabit the in-between together.


WRITE. We write weekly about what it means to live out truth in tension—what it means to live a “both-and” life in an “either-or” world. We explore theology in the everyday because we don’t believe in the sacred-secular divide. 

SPEAK. We bring the ramp and come to your church, your hospital, your school, your nonprofit, or your small group to talk about a life worth living. 

ADVENTURE. We organize outdoor adventures for people with disabilities. We encourage and empower people to engage in nature.  

"The people of Christ are called to be shapers of culture—neither mindless champions of the religious status quo nor hermits who don't acknowledge cultural shifts. Our souls need a hefty dose of 'both-and' wisdom, and that takes thoughtful, prayerful dissection of issues and a refusal to thoughtlessly accept cultural ultimatums. This 'both-and' wisdom requires much from us, but it also gives: it gives a wild hope that truth in tension actually does exist, and that the One who is fully God and fully man came to this polarized planet in order to one day reign in unopposed wisdom. That's what we live for."

Renée Grantham


Join us in our journey to abolish the sacred-secular divide one thought at a time. 


How is Good Friday even ‘Good’?

It’s taken me more than three decades to really catch the goodness of Good Friday. But standing tonight between my husband who can’t walk and …

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New Nighttime Ritual

Sleeping is hard these nights. It’s hard to sleep in my comfortable bed when I know people are hunkered down in hollowed-out, heatless buildings and …

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What St. Patrick’s Radical Forgiveness Could Look Like Today

He’s celebrated for many reasons mixing myth and man, and for all we may not know about Saint Patrick, we do know this: just before …

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SHARE WITH US. We love hearing your stories of truth in tension, of overcoming through disability, and of faith despite all odds. Share your story with us:

MEET WITH US. To book speaking engagements and to join outdoor adventures, contact us:

LAUGH WITH US. Check out our lighter side (well, our blogs are there, too) on IG: markandreneegrantham.